Fully functional online academic system for different universities
A fully functional online academic system for different universities with different features like GPA calculator, course registration, course management, Past papers, Filtered youtube videos, etc.
I wanted to have a fully functional web based system that would host all content for different universities in Uganda and enable students to access them easily using any device.
React Js, Tailwind Css, Material UI, Node js, Express Js, MongoDB
When I got admitted to campus, looked online for reading materials and I could not find any, I decided to come up with a web based application that will host all content for different universities in Uganda, I did not know much programming then though I could implement a web application using the knowledge I had gained since I got inspired to start programming. I then started planning on the UI design and choosing languages to use which included JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3,and a JavaScript frame work called Reactjs. I took my friend Isaac Mubiru through the entire vision and he bought it and since he knew some backed using Node JS, Express Js, and MongoDB which were key tools to the implementation of gpa elevator, We then started on the journey of designing and planning the flow of the application which has made me gain too much experience in Reactjs, material UI, GitHub, styled components, Redux and Redux toolkit among others that have enabled me implement different other projects to date. This platform has helped alot of students since it's launch in 2021 upto now and we are currently incorporating in payment methods among other features to get some revenue from the platform.