A stunning Landing Page for a Cryptocurrency Company

A stunning Landing Page for a Cryptocurrency Company
A stunning Landing Page for a Cryptocurrency Company

A beautiful landing page for a cryptocurrency company.

Project Summary

A stunning and professional landing page for a cryptocurrency company.

Client's Requirements

Client wanted a stunning landing page for his cryptocurrency company showcasing all the services they offer, terms and conditions, privacy policies and forms for clients to contact them.

Tech Stack

React Js, CSS Modules

Project Details

This was part of a big project that was assigned to my colleague Isaac, the entire project involved both Backend and frontend, my colleague being so much into backend, he invited me to design the UI given the mockups supplied by the client. I designed the landing page with all the elements extracted from the Adobe XD design received. I did the project using ReactJs. All the content was supposed to be read from a json file to enable localization to take place, leaning how to use third party libraries to implement translation was such a good skill that i have acquired through this project. This project also enabled me level up my skills in responsive design. Many thanks to Sir Paul Elliot for trusting us with his projects and allowing us to be part of his Agency Mind2Matter, We are looking forward to working with you on more projects in the future.

Project Gallary

Project Gallary
A stunning Landing Page for a Cryptocurrency Company
A stunning Landing Page for a Cryptocurrency Company

Client Review

Client Review

We are very appreciative of your hard work Kimera and we are more than willing to work with you on many more projects moving forward.

Sela Gatien
Projects Manager, Mind2Matter