Faucet Management Dashboard

Faucet Management Dashboard
Faucet Management Dashboard

A react js dashboard for managing cryptocurrencies.

Project Summary

A fully functional and responsive dashboard for managing cryptocurrencies.

Client's Requirements

Client wanted a responsive dashboard for managing his cryptocurrency faucet.

Tech Stack

React Js, scss

Project Details

A cryptocurrency faucet is a tool that gives users of a blockchain a very small amount of crypto to perform basic transactions. Just like you need a stamp to send mail, when it comes to cryptocurrencies, you need ‘gas’ . Gas is usually the native blockchain’s coin like Ethereum, BNB, or Matic. Many thanks to Sir Paul Elliot for trusting us with his projects and allowing us to be part of his Agency Mind2Matter, We are looking forward to working with you on more projects in the future.

Project Gallary

Project Gallary
Faucet Management Dashboard
Faucet Management Dashboard

Client Review

Client Review

We are very appreciative of your hard work Kimera and we are more than willing to work with you on many more projects moving forward.

Sela Gatien
Projects Manager, Mind2Matter